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German Courses
German Course
for Hotel Staffs
Goals and Learnings:
Become Competent In German B1 Grammar
Learn More About the German Culture Like Food, Celebrations and Sights
Learn German Tongue Twisters to Practice Your German Pronunciation
Learn About The German Educational System
Get Valuable Tips On How To Learn German More Efficiently
Learn Common German Idioms To Sound More Like Natives
Write Dictations And a Final Exam
And Much More!
You should have passed the A1 and A2 level in order to participate in this course.
After this B1 course you will know all B1 German Grammar.
Future in the present tense - Zukunft im Präsens
Learn different indications of time for the future - Zeitangaben - Zukunft
Learn how to use the German modal particles - Modalpartikel
Causal conjunctional adverbs - Kausale Konjunktionaladverbien
Causal adverbs - Kausaladverbien
Article word "Welch-" - Artikelwort "Welch-"
Article word "Irgendein-" - Artikelwort "Irgendein-"
As if - als ob
The Verb "Brauchen" And Its Correct Usage
Conjunctions - Konjunktionen
The German Word "nämlich"
Pronoun - Pronomen
Subclauses With "dass"
Adjective ending -bar - Adjektivendung -bar
Final indications - Finalangaben
Learn the difference between "von" and "aus"
The verb lassen" and its correct usage in the German language
Impersonal expressions - Unpersönliche Ausdrücke
Classes of irregular verbs - Klassen der unregelmäßigen Verben
Genitive - Genitiv
Genitive possessive articles - Genitiv Possessivartikel
Demonstrative pronoun in the genitive - Demonstrativpronomen Genitiv
"indem" and sodass"
adjective declension - Adjektivdeklination
Concessional sentences - Konzessivsätze
Modal verbs and their different meanings
Directional adverbs - Direktionaladverbien
German Perfect tense - Perfekt
Modals - Modalangaben
Indirect questions - Indirekte Fragen
conditional clauses - Konditionalsätze
Infinitive clauses - Infinitivsätze
Compounds - Komposita
ast tense - Präteritum
Past tense - Präteritum
The German word "werden" as an indication of change - Veränderung
weil - da - denn
Unreal wishes - Konjunktiv II - irreale Wünsche
Wishful sentences - Konjunktiv II - Wunschsätze
Modal verbs - Konjunktiv II - Modalverben
The word "falls"
Verbs with infinitive - Verben mit Infinitiv
Prefix -un - Präfix -un
Prepositional adverbs - Präpositionaladverbien
Verbs with a prepositional object - Verben mit Präpositionalobjekt
relative pronouns - Relativpronomen
Temporal subordinate clauses - Temporale Nebensätze
Process passive - Vorgangspassiv
Passive in the subordinate clause - Passiv im Nebensatz
Passive without a subject - Passiv ohne Subjekt
Passive in the perfect tense - Passiv im Perfekt
Passive in past tense - Passiv im Präteritum
Passive in the past perfect - Passiv im Plusquamperfekt
Adjectives as nouns - Adjektive als Nomen
Adjective combination - Adjektiv-Kombination
Multipart conjunctions - Mehrteilige Konjunktionen
Modal adverbs - Modaladverbien
Participle II as a noun - Partizip II als Substantiv
Learn German Idioms
Learn about the German educational system
Learn about German Celebrations
Learn about German Culture (Food, Places, Virtues)
Tips on how to learn a language more efficiently
German Tongue Twisters
Question Marathon
German Mnemonics
Cognates – identical or very similar words in English and German
Preparation for the speaking part of the official German B1 exam
Final exam
- B1 TELC textbook
- Qualified and experienced teachers and facilitators
- Regular online interviews with German professors
- Team building activities
- Comfortable dormitoryFull Course and Dormitory

Become competent in B2 German grammar
Learn more about the German culture through idioms and quotes
Receive valuable tips on how to learn German more efficiently
Learn the B2 German vocabulary
You should have passed the A1 and A2 level in order to participate in this course.
In this course the participants learn German grammar on the B2 level.
The entire course is only taught in German (with German and English subtitles).
You will learn advanced vocabulary.
Futur II - future II
Nominalisierung von Verben mit Nomen - nominalization of verbs with nouns
Adjektive mit Präpositionen - adjectives with prepositions
Modale Zusammenhänge - modal connectors
Eselsbrücken - mnemonics
Nomen mit Präpositionen - nouns with prepositions
Erweitertes Partizip I & II - extended participle I & II
Deutsche Redewendungen - German idioms
dass / Infinitivsätze - that / infinitive clauses
Adversativsätze - adversative clauses
Zweiteilige Konnektoren - two-part connectors
Negation durch Vor- und Nachsilben - negation through prefixes and suffixes
Diktate - Dictations
Mittelfeld im Hauptsatz - tekamolo - middle field in main clauses
Deutsche Redewendungen - German quotes
Indirekte Rede - indirect speech
Fragenmarathon - Question marathon
als ob - as if
Konditionale Zusammenhänge - conditional connectors
Zungenbrecher - tongue twisters - pronunciation exercises
Fugenelement "s" bei Nomen - joint element "s" in nouns
Konzessive Zusammenhänge - concessional connectors
Verwandte Wörter - related words
Zustandspassiv - stative passive
von und durch - from and through
Zwischen- und Endprüfung - intermediate and final exam
Wortbildung - Vorsilben bei Nomen - word formation - prefixes for nouns
Alternativen zum Passiv - alternatives to the passive voice
generalizing relative clauses - Generalisierende Relativsätze
Lernblockaden - Learning blocks and how to solve them
Feste Verbindungen von Nomen und Verben - fixed connections of nouns and verbs
Subjektlose Passivsätze - subjectless passive clauses
Konsekutive Zusammenhänge - consecutive connectors
Feste Nomen-Präposition-Verbindungen - fixed noun-preposition connections
Indefinitpronomen - indefinite pronouns
Kausale Zusammenhänge - causal connectors
Partizip I und II als Adjektive - participle I and II as adjectives
Verweiswörter im Text - reference words in texts
Nachsilben bei Adjektiven - suffixes with adjectives
Uneingeleitete wenn-Sätze - unintroduced if-clauses
Vergleichssätze - comparative sentences
Temporale Zusammenhänge - temporal connectors
Subjektive Bedeutung des Verbes "sollen" - subjective meaning of the verb "sollen"
Wortbildung -weise bei Adverbien - word formation - weise in adverbs
das Verb lassen - the verb "lassen"
Verbverbindungen - verb connectors
Konditionalsätze - conditional clauses
Wunschsätze - optative sentences
Learn about German culture – sights, food, culture
Learn about German idioms – to sound more like a native German
You will get tipps on how to get rid of learning blocks
You will learn German quotes
We will write dictations to practice your listening and writing skills
Learn about mnemonics and how they can help you to learn a language
Learn German tongue twisters to improve your German pronunciation
Learn about cognates which are similar or identical words in German and English to learn German vocabulary faster
Get recommendations for useful books to learn German
Learn about different German dialects (Berlin, Bavaria, East Germany etc.)
We will have a question marathon to check whether there are any gaps from the B1 level
We will have a intermediate exam to check whether you master what you have learned up to this point in this German B2 course
We will have a final exam to check whether you master what you have learned on the German B2 level
- B2 TELC textbook
- Qualified and experienced teachers and facilitators
- Regular online interviews with German professors
- Team building activities
- Comfortable dormitory
Full Course and Dormitory